N'eat Natural Energy was established in 2014 by Anthony Jenks and Chris Collins, who wanted better energy bars than was available at that time. A more delicious and nutritious Vegan bar using only natural ingredients, no added sugar and no palm oil; a bar that would be popular with anybody who leads an active life as well as anybody who wants to. A range of 5 N'eat Natural Energy Bar flavours is now in 2024 sold in cafes, delis, health food shops, food halls and sports centres throughout the UK.
The World loses 20 million acres of forest per year. This equates to 40,000 football pitches per day or 28 football pitches per minute. Palm Oil production is the main driver of deforestation. In the last 20 years, over 3.5 million hectares of Indonesian and Malaysian forest have been destroyed to make way for palm oil production. Corporate owners of palm oil plantations are responsible for slashing or burning the land to clear large swaths for palm tree production at a higher rate than ever before.
For more information:www.saynotopalmoil.org